Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bed Bugs - Do I Have Them?

!: Bed Bugs - Do I Have Them?

Bedbugs. Yuck. The thought of these nasty little pests crawling over you and feeding on you while you sleep is enough to turn your stomach. Bedbugs have seen a dramatic increase in population over the past decade after being nearly wiped out by DDT based pesticides in the 1950's. If you suspect you may have these unwanted guests sharing your bed with you then you will want to read the following tips on identifying an infestation. After you have read the article you will better understand the signs of an invasion and some things you can do to get confirmation of their presence.

Initial Evidence of Infestation

These insects are crafty little nocturnal creatures, they lie dormant during the day and even most of the night. Generally they will come out to feed for a short period of time just a few hours before dawn - this is when the majority of their human hosts will be sound asleep and most vulnerable to attack. Therefore, it is pretty hard to catch one in the act unless you happen to wake up at the right time and manage to catch one on your skin as it feeds. Instead you'll have to use some initial evidence as clues and then use a trap to get positive confirmation.

The first evidence of bedbug intrusion will be itchy bite marks on your skin. Generally they like to feed from the forearms - you may notice multiple bites on your arms that resemble a rash in high volume. Bed bugs generally will feed from 3 spots in a row, leaving a tell tale trail of bite marks in a straight line. If you have these symptoms it may be a good indication that your bedding is infested.

However, you cannot be sure these are bedbug bites without actual proof. Similar itchy welts can be caused by other insects or even allergies. Consider if you have maybe switched detergents in your laundry or come in contact with any other potential allergens before you commit to spending the large amount of money required to treat for these pests. (Exterminators may charge more than 0 to eliminate the problem and even DIY options will be several hundred.)

Visual Inspection

A visual inspection of your bedding and mattress area may provide more indication of a problem. Bed bugs will leave small black stains around the corners and crevices of a mattress and box spring, as a result of their elimination process. With a big infestation you should see lots and lots of tiny black dots around the corners of mattress, a favorite place for the colony to hide out. If the evidence adds up, it will be time for a more formal inspection or perhaps some inexpensive traps so you can find out if you indeed have bed bugs and take steps toward eliminating them.

Bed Bugs - Do I Have Them?

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Mouse Repellent

!: Mouse Repellent

So you've noticed the telltale signs that you have a mouse in the house. Maybe you have found evidence of mouse dirt under your oven. Possibly you have noticed that your cereal boxes have small holes chewed right through the cardboard. You may have even seen one these furry creatures scurrying across the kitchen floor. To most people this sounds like the makings for a horror movie, but it is reality in all too many homes during the cold winter months. Don't despair, there is help. With today's technology you can find a mouse repellent that really works.

Great advances have been made in the development of ultrasonic rodent repellents. This is one type of mouse repellent that is truly effective and easy to use. You simply plug it in or place a battery operated version in the area where you are having the problem and that's it. The device will take over. The ultrasonic sound waves that are emitted will cause great stress to your uninvited house guest. They will immediately feel the need to escape the area to get away from the sound. You can use several of these devices around your home which will force the Mice back outside.

Only the smallest rodents can hear the ultrasonic sounds. You and your pets will not hear a thing. Because you are not actually killing the mouse, this is a truly safe mouse repellent for everyone involved. You don't have to deal with the disgusting clean up as with a sticky surface type of trap, and if you have ever found a mouse in a spring loaded trap, the sight can be downright nauseating. With both of these types of traditional traps you also have to worry about placing them out of the way of your small children and pets.

The ultrasonic mouse repellent is the environmentally friendly choice for getting rid of rodents. There are no chemicals involved and no dead animals to dispose of. If you have ever used the toxic chemical boxes from an exterminator, you know that the Mice don't always make it outside before dying. The smell of a decaying mouse in the walls of your finished basement is not one you are likely to forget. So make the smart choice in mouse repellent products and choose an ultrasonic rodent repellent. You can get the job done quickly, effectively, and at an affordable price.

Mouse Repellent

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