Sunday, November 20, 2011

Assembling Your Web Video Marketing Assets

!: Assembling Your Web Video Marketing Assets

Now that just about everybody is a believer in Web video, it's time to figure out just how to use it effectively as a marketing communication tool. Oh sure, there are a few diehard holdouts filling their sites with thousands of words of densely congealed text in a vain attempt to attract 'Mr. GoodSearch;' and let's all encourage them to continue, especially our competitors, because as they stick to yesterday's marketing tactics, we can capture market share by communicating using techniques that actually lead to more audience engagement, more memory retention, and more sales leads.

Even if you're still a bit unsure of the benefits Web video brings to your marketing efforts, think of the commitment Google has invested in YouTube and then you'll know where the biggest search opportunities exist. So let's all agree, video is where it's at, but hold on just a second, let's call it compelling content presentation, or more precisely, properly conceived, professionally produced, attention-to-post video that delivers a meaningful memorable message in a manner that is less advertising and more content, less pitch and more experience.

Can you do this yourself, doubtful but maybe, so before you run out and blow the petty cash on the latest HD video camera, proper lighting equipment, editing and motion graphic software, how to DVDs like 'You Can Be The Next Ridley Scott', a computer and hard drive powerful enough to handle HD file sizes and software processing, custom photography, signature music and sound effects; and before you ask your accounts payable person or spouse to shoot you in your office with a backdrop of photos featuring last year's office picnic and the broken office chair you've been meaning to replace; ask yourself, is this really how to go about marketing my company? I mean maybe your appearance is camera friendly, maybe you have the right voice that fits your message, maybe you understand body language, maybe you have acting experience, maybe you know how to write a script and maybe... while you get the idea? And we haven't even talked about content and concept. There is a place for amateurism it's just not in business.

The Ad Content Challenge

The real challenge in website design is not backend technical issues, search engine optimization, or feature proliferation but rather how to turn advertising into content, and content into an experience. We know nobody likes to be sold, especially if it's a hard sell pitch demanding instant decisions and immediate action. People are more likely to run from such a sales attack as quickly as possible, particularly on the Web where escaping is just a mouse click away.

Let's assume for a moment that you want a professional Web presentation and not a homemade ego-satisfying customer-repellent video. Let's also assume that you've hired a team that has the necessary skills to deliver the 'right stuff.' The next step is to provide that team with the assets they need to do the job.

Gather Your Assets

The first thing you'll need to do is get all your resources together. Here's a checklist of things you'll need to supply or have created in order to get started:

1. Logos That Work

A properly designed logo is a must. I can't tell you how many times we've had to design or at least redesign logos for clients who have been in business for years. A video campaign is all about communicating a corporate personality and that identity needs a visual tag to affirm that brand image.

Most business people realize they need a logo but they generally only think of it in one dimension, graphically. With a properly designed logo in hand an audio logo tag can be associated with it so that your brand message is penetrating both visually and audibly. Remember your goal is to turn advertising into content and to do that you must create a memorable experience, and the whole point of using video is to communicate your message using sight, sound, and subliminal psychological persuasion.

2. Mission Statements - It's About The Why

Mission statements are generally useless exercises in self-congratulatory bunkum. If your mission statement says your company aims to have the best products, at the lowest prices, featuring world-class customer service then you know your mission statement is useless. When people hear those kinds of platitudes they yawn and move on. When was the last time you heard a mission statement that promises inferior crap, at inflated prices, with little or no customer service support?

Instead of a meaningless mission statement, create a 'Why Statement' that answers the question, why should anybody want to do business with you? I've already given you our version - "we turn advertising into content, and content into an experience" it's what we do, what we are committed to, and if it's not what you want then you need another production team. You have to give your clients a reason why they should care about your company, why they should do business with you. It is a commitment not to be feared, but embraced. It is the message you want to deliver, the one thing your audience will remember about you that will distinguish you from your competition, and ultimately it will be the reason they do business with you or not.

3. Six Things You Need To Know

The Why Statement provides your brand point-of-view and personality. It focuses audience attention on the key benefits you deliver. So the next thing you need to provide is the six most important things you want to say about what you do.

Why six? You need to show some discipline in your messaging in order to be effective. Limiting the number of things you say emphasizes what's important so that it doesn't get lost in a haze of marketing jibber-jabber, and it avoids creating information overload.

4. Realistic Expectations

You hear and read a lot about ROI and the importance of scientifically measuring results in order to fine-tune commercial communication. Business is constantly trying to make craft into science and it's the fool's gold of advertising. Ad agency politics has always been a push-pull fight between the creative teams and the account executives. Account executives like their bulleted points, pie charts, stock images, and PowerPoint presentations. The trouble is it's all a shell game, an illusion used by rote-trained corporate sales people that lack the insight to commit to what really works, psychological persuasion. Instead, they settle for a seemingly impressive, but often deceiving set of facts and figures.

No one is suggesting that Web video presentations should be art-for-art's-sake; we've all seen visually stimulating commercials that don't seem to have any commercial point, but to ignore marketing's dirty little secret that purchase decisions are based mostly on emotion and not rationale reasoning would be folly.

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

You're going to make mistakes. Some things will work better than others. It's all about fine-tuning your message based on your Why Statement. You need to commit to a Web video strategy that is more about delivering memorable content in service of your Why Statement than merely a series of easily dismissible sales' pitches. Web videos can engage an audience, attract attention, deliver informative, enlightening material in an entertaining, memorable manner, and that is how they should be judged.

Web Video Is Commercial Storytelling

What is the best way to illustrate why people should do business with you? On the Web there is a necessity to be bold, creative, and entertaining. It doesn't matter if you're selling legal services or leg warmers, if you don't make an impression, your audience won't listen, and if they don't listen they won't remember you, let alone why they should care.

There is a lot of emphasis today on speed, but your website is not the place to encourage it. In fact you want to do the exact opposite. You want your audience to slow down, relax, listen, and absorb what your video has to say. If your video delivers informative, entertaining content then your audience, the ones that are serious about what you do will listen and one of the best ways to get them to listen is to tell a story.

All stories, at least the ones you are going to remember, have three key elements. Think of how professional comedians construct a story: there's a setup, a twist, and a punch line. A well-constructed Web video has similar elements: a setup that presents the problem, an elaboration of difficulties, issues, conventional wisdom, or false solutions, and the 'aha' resolution. Remove any one of the elements and the presentation falls apart. If speed is your goal, buy a sports car, if marketing success is what you want; demand the three elements that make a presentation worth watching.

When It's All Said and Done

When your video production team comes back to you with a concept, ask yourself is it bold. Is it something people will remember? Does it speak to the question why should anybody want to do business with you?

One last note about deciding whether or not the concept you're presented is the right one. If your spouse, best friend, or in-laws don't understand it and are afraid some people will be offended then you know that it's targeted, and it's probably the exact right approach to take. If you play it coy so as not to offend anyone, and if you insist that everything you do and every feature and benefit you offer be highlighted then for sure you will fail. A production team can only be as good as you let them be.

Assembling Your Web Video Marketing Assets

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

House Mice Repellents

!: House Mice Repellents

The rats and mice always try to find a place where they would be completely safe as well as get sufficient amount of food items. The rats and mice get into the waste bins and garbage to eat the rotten and waste food materials. As a result these rodents carry with them the most harmful diseases. These rodents also get into the house in search of food items and for shelter. Inside the house they get sufficient protection from their fearful predators like the snakes, eagles, hawks etc. The rats and mice get inside the house through the small gaps between the doors, vents, holes and even drains. They use to wander all round the house in search of food items. Once they get in they create a lot of damages inside the house. The rats and mice use to destroy the furniture, upholstery and even the home appliances.

Thus it is very important to get rid of mice with the help of house mice repellents. There are different products available in the market to keep rats out of your house but most of these products are made from the toxic chemicals and pesticides. These toxic products require high degree of safety precaution and if accidentally used could lead to fatal accidents. So in order to get rid of mice and to keep rats out of your house it is always better to use the house mice repellents which are completely eco-friendly. There exist natural rat repellents which can simply clear rats from the house without causing any harm to them. The natural liquid mice repellents are completely made from the natural constituents like the peppermint oil. This natural constituent simply creates the smell of cats and makes the rats feel as if the cats are around them. Thus these liquid rat repellents get rid of mice and clear rats from the house in a cleaner and effective manner.

For those who have the ability to afford a little more money can opt for the electronic repellents for rats and mice. There are different models of electronic repellents which range from the compact models to medium sized models. These ranges of electronic repellents are completely eco-friendly as well as pollution free. All it requires is to be plugged in the electrical sockets in the house. It consumes the least amount of power and are very much energy efficient. These electronic mice repellents simply help to get rid of mice from the house without making any sort of pollution in the house. These mice repellents emit high frequency sound which is of the order of twenty thousand hertz and cause distress in the ears of the rats. This high frequency sound is above the audible frequency range of humans and pet animals. Thus the rats immediately flee away from the house. Apart from these power-consuming repellents for rats there also exist solar repellents for rats which emit high frequency sound to repel the rats and mice. However these repellents are specifically designed for outdoor purposes to drive away these rodents from the outside surroundings of the house. These eco friendly repellents for rats also help to stop mice problems as well as stop mice population in the house.

House Mice Repellents

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Monday, October 31, 2011

What The Heck Is An Ultra Sonic Pest Repellent?

!: What The Heck Is An Ultra Sonic Pest Repellent?

You've heard of a dog whistle right? A dog can hear things we can't, it's exactly the same with Ultra Sonic Pest Repellents, but this time it doesn't affect dogs and cats, rather rodents and insects.
Another example, have you ever been to a VERY loud concert and sat too close to the speakers, did it give you a headache? Unless you're a teenager (god love 'em) and into loud music you probably wanted to get up and run. Now, take that same analogy and scale it down to the insect and rodent level; the Ultra Sonic Pest Repellent was designed to be extremely uncomfortable to insects and rodents without bothering humans or our four legged furry friends.

Electronic pest control or UltraSonic Pest Repellers aren't something new, having been on the market in some form for almost 20 years, however recently they've gained notoriety as a safe and environmentally friendly way to deal with rodents and insects.

The device comes in two varieties, Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic and while there are a variety of opinions about its effectiveness, Kansas State University did an in-depth study proving its value. The study stated, "Ultrasound and Arthropod Pest Control confirmed that ultrasonic sound devices do have both a repellent effect as well as a reduction in mating and reproduction of various insects."

While no pest control product is 100% effective, studies have proven that UltraSonic Pest Repellers when installed properly can be help eliminate mice, rats and insects, while remaining safe for family and pets. The concept is simple, the technology unique; contained within is the mechanism to emit ultra high frequencies well above the hearing range of humans, dogs or cats, but tuned specifically to be disruptive to rodents and other pests.

UltraSonic Pest Repellers were designed to be used safely in proximity to other electronics and extremely simple to install and operate, simply choosing an available outlet and they'll begin their 24/7 defense of your home or office.

INSTALLATION: It is recommended that any UltraSonic Pest Repellers be plugged into an unobstructed wall outlet and arranged so the sound will ricochet or bounce off nearby hard surfaces.
CAUTION: While safe for dogs and cats, should you have pet rabbits, hamsters or gerbils, it is recommended they be kept a safe distance away.
While UltraSonic Pest Repellers can help you achieve a pest free home or office, it's the wise owner who'll go the extra mile and seal up gaps, keep garbage cans tightly closed and remove any food that might be left outside for family pets.

There are two types of people who'll benefit from UltraSonic Pest Repellers, those seeking to have a pest free home and those looking to do so in an environmentally safe manner. And of course those that may be seeking to accomplish both.

What The Heck Is An Ultra Sonic Pest Repellent?

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bed Bugs - Do I Have Them?

!: Bed Bugs - Do I Have Them?

Bedbugs. Yuck. The thought of these nasty little pests crawling over you and feeding on you while you sleep is enough to turn your stomach. Bedbugs have seen a dramatic increase in population over the past decade after being nearly wiped out by DDT based pesticides in the 1950's. If you suspect you may have these unwanted guests sharing your bed with you then you will want to read the following tips on identifying an infestation. After you have read the article you will better understand the signs of an invasion and some things you can do to get confirmation of their presence.

Initial Evidence of Infestation

These insects are crafty little nocturnal creatures, they lie dormant during the day and even most of the night. Generally they will come out to feed for a short period of time just a few hours before dawn - this is when the majority of their human hosts will be sound asleep and most vulnerable to attack. Therefore, it is pretty hard to catch one in the act unless you happen to wake up at the right time and manage to catch one on your skin as it feeds. Instead you'll have to use some initial evidence as clues and then use a trap to get positive confirmation.

The first evidence of bedbug intrusion will be itchy bite marks on your skin. Generally they like to feed from the forearms - you may notice multiple bites on your arms that resemble a rash in high volume. Bed bugs generally will feed from 3 spots in a row, leaving a tell tale trail of bite marks in a straight line. If you have these symptoms it may be a good indication that your bedding is infested.

However, you cannot be sure these are bedbug bites without actual proof. Similar itchy welts can be caused by other insects or even allergies. Consider if you have maybe switched detergents in your laundry or come in contact with any other potential allergens before you commit to spending the large amount of money required to treat for these pests. (Exterminators may charge more than 0 to eliminate the problem and even DIY options will be several hundred.)

Visual Inspection

A visual inspection of your bedding and mattress area may provide more indication of a problem. Bed bugs will leave small black stains around the corners and crevices of a mattress and box spring, as a result of their elimination process. With a big infestation you should see lots and lots of tiny black dots around the corners of mattress, a favorite place for the colony to hide out. If the evidence adds up, it will be time for a more formal inspection or perhaps some inexpensive traps so you can find out if you indeed have bed bugs and take steps toward eliminating them.

Bed Bugs - Do I Have Them?

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Mouse Repellent

!: Mouse Repellent

So you've noticed the telltale signs that you have a mouse in the house. Maybe you have found evidence of mouse dirt under your oven. Possibly you have noticed that your cereal boxes have small holes chewed right through the cardboard. You may have even seen one these furry creatures scurrying across the kitchen floor. To most people this sounds like the makings for a horror movie, but it is reality in all too many homes during the cold winter months. Don't despair, there is help. With today's technology you can find a mouse repellent that really works.

Great advances have been made in the development of ultrasonic rodent repellents. This is one type of mouse repellent that is truly effective and easy to use. You simply plug it in or place a battery operated version in the area where you are having the problem and that's it. The device will take over. The ultrasonic sound waves that are emitted will cause great stress to your uninvited house guest. They will immediately feel the need to escape the area to get away from the sound. You can use several of these devices around your home which will force the Mice back outside.

Only the smallest rodents can hear the ultrasonic sounds. You and your pets will not hear a thing. Because you are not actually killing the mouse, this is a truly safe mouse repellent for everyone involved. You don't have to deal with the disgusting clean up as with a sticky surface type of trap, and if you have ever found a mouse in a spring loaded trap, the sight can be downright nauseating. With both of these types of traditional traps you also have to worry about placing them out of the way of your small children and pets.

The ultrasonic mouse repellent is the environmentally friendly choice for getting rid of rodents. There are no chemicals involved and no dead animals to dispose of. If you have ever used the toxic chemical boxes from an exterminator, you know that the Mice don't always make it outside before dying. The smell of a decaying mouse in the walls of your finished basement is not one you are likely to forget. So make the smart choice in mouse repellent products and choose an ultrasonic rodent repellent. You can get the job done quickly, effectively, and at an affordable price.

Mouse Repellent

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

non-lethal methods of compliance to rid of rats in rural areas from your home

Non-lethal, kind, certain ways of removing wild rats from your home by Debbie Ducommun The best way to keep rats off your property is to remove any access to food or shelter. Rats are attracted to pet food and bird seed as well as garbage. Garbage and food should be stored in metal or heavy duty plastic containers. You need to seal any access to your house, even very small holes as young rats and mice can squeeze through any opening they can fit their head through. Please do not use poison or glue traps which are unethical, unnecessary and inhumane. Using a Live-Trap To remove wild rats from your home without harming them, use a live trap. Live traps are usually available from humane societies and feed stores. The best thing is to put the trap out and fix it so the door won't close at first so the rats will get used to eating out of it. The best bait is peanut butter put directly on the treadle. Once you know rats are eating the bait, you can set the trap. This way it ensures that the rat does not accidently set off the trap before he goes in. If that happens, he would never go in the trap again. Now, the tricky part is where to release him /her. You can't just let rats go in forest or field. They must have source of water, and around water they will be able to find things to eat such as insects, worms, snails, fish, frogs, etc. So the best place to release them is at a permanent source of water such as a creek, river, lake or pond. In most parts of the ...

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